Monday, October 1, 2007

Lewis Plugged

Computers are a law unto themselves. We went to play the first of the Lewis movies last night. Rather than enjoying the opening bars of the Lewis theme music (which we were looking forward to, given it was the same composer as the one who wrote the moving Morse theme music) we were asked if we wanted to change the zone for our computer to the UK. We were also informed that we could only make four zone changes until the computer would be permanently frozen at that zone.

Why this is imposed upon Windows (even Windows Vista) in a day when multi-zone dvd players are the norm is beyond me. Now, we're going to have to try and find out if we can get around this stricture by buying a cheap dvd player and connecting it to the laptop (and whether that is even possible). If that can't work, we're going to have to do a more serious revision of our plans with regards watching shows and movies.

1 comment:

Nathan Lovell said...

You can get around this 'feature' using software. I'll email you the details later.
